
Fluxus est une sorte d’internationale artistique. Héritier de l’esprit Dada, influencé de l’esprit de John Cage, le mouvement n’a d’autre projet que d’affranchir toute frontière entre la vie et l’Art. Au programme, des Happening, des events et des pièces musicales qui suivent les voies ouvertes par John Cage. Théorisé en grande partie par Georges Brecht, puis Georges Maciunas, neuf foyers géographiques assurent sa diffusion à travers le monde : New-York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boulder, Copenhague, Prague, Okoyama, Tokyo et Nice. Chacun d’eux organise une destruction systématique des dictats artistiques pour un Art Total qui s’expérimente et se vit. Tout est désormais Art !

Fluxus logo
Principales expositions

Fluxus International Festspiele Neuester Musik, Wiesbaden en septembre 1962 ; Festum Fluxorum, Copenhague la même année ; Fluxus Festival of Total Art à Nice en 1963.

Textes fondateurs

2.To affect, or bring to a certain state, by subjecting to, or treating with, a flux.  "Fluxed into another world".  South.
3. Med.  to cause a discharge from, as a purging.
flux (fluks), n. { OF.,  fr. L. fluxus,  fr. fluere, fluxum, to flow. See FLUENT ; cf. FLUSH, n. (of cards).} 1. Med. a A. flowing or fluid discharge from the bowels or other part :  esp., an excessive and morbid discharge : as, the bloody flux, or dysentery. b The matter thus discharged.
Purge the world of bourgeois sickness, "intellectual", professionals & commercialized culture, PURGE the world of dead art, imitation, artificial art, abstract art, illusionistic art, mathematical art, -

2. Act. of flowing : a continuous moving on or a passing by, as of a flowing stream ; a continuing succession of changes.
3. A stream, copious flow ; flood ; outflow.
4.  The setting in of the tide toward the shore. Cf. REFUX.
5. State of being liquid through heat ; fusion.  Rare.


Promote living art, anti-art, promote NON ART REALITY to be
grasped by all peoples,  not only critics, dilettantes and professionals.

7. Chem. & Meta. a Any substance or mixture used to promote fusion, esp. the fusion of metals for minerals.
Common metallurgical fluxes are silica and silicates (acidic), lime and limestone (basic) and fluorite (neutral). b Any substance applied to surfaces to be joined by soldering or welding, just prior to our during the operation, to clean and free them form oxide, thus promoting their union, as rosin.

FUSE the cadres of cultural, social & political revolutionaries into united front & action.

Artistes associés

Marcel Alocco, Éric Andersen, Joseph Beuys, Robert Bozzi, John Cage, George Brecht, Guiseppe Chiari, Philippe Corner, Charles Dreyfus, Jean Dupuy, Robert Erebo, Robert Filliou, Henry Flint, Geoffrey Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Alan Kaprow, Alison Knowles, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Jackson Mac Low, George Maciunas, Charlotte Moormann, Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono, Ben Patterson, Willem de Ridder, Daniel Spoerri, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell, Serge III Oldenbourg, Robert Watts, Emmett Williams, La Monte Young, le Groupe Zaj.

Artistes à rapprocher

Marcel Duchamp, Richard Huelsenbeck, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara.

Courant, mouvement, lieu à rapprocher

Action Against Imperialistic Culture, Dada, Néo-Dada,
