
My Way of Life Barbara Smoloff

mer 20 fév 2019, 17:30

art primitive gallery
via mazzini 34
19038 sarzana SP

Comment s'y rendre ?

Art Primitive Gallery

Is pleased to present

Barbara Smoloff

My Way of Life

20 February - 29 March

vernissage from 1730 pm
The result of a careful selection to the language, themes and background of each of the artists, who are inspired by
Outsider Art, Folk Art and Art brut.

Curator Marco Abbagnara

The exhibition will be held in Bookstore Mulino dei libri in via Mazzini 34 Sarzana La Spezia Italy
The exhibition will be open until 20 March February 2019 with free admission at the following times:
lunedi 15:30 – 19:00
martedi – sabato 10:00-12:30/1600 -19:00

Curator Marco Abbagnara

www.artprimitivegallery.com artprimitivegallery@hotmail.com

Visite de l'exposition en photo