Porträt Lucia Moholy, 1980
32,7 x 22,4 cm
Museum Ludwig, Köln
© Erika Kempe, Hamburg
Reproduktion: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln

Lu­cia Mo­ho­ly Fo­to­geschichte schreiben Lucia Moholy


Mu­se­um Lud­wig
50667 Köln

Comment s'y rendre ?

On the occasion of the Bauhaus anniversary, the Museum Ludwig is dedicating a small presentation in the photography room to the photographer and historian of photography Lucia Moholy. Three newly acquired vintage prints by Lucia Moholy will also be shown for the first time. In addition to her photographs, letters from the Museum Ludwig archives will be presented that demonstrate the lively exchange between Moholy and the photography collector and historian Erich Stenger. They planned to write a book about the history of photography together around 1932. However, the rise of the Nazis drove Moholy into emigration, while Stenger became a sought-after expert in the field in Germany. Moholy ultimately published A Hundred Years of Photography: 1839–1939 on her own in London in 1939.

Visite de l'exposition en photo