Étude BCJG, Yumiko Kimura, Multilayer collage glass, 15 x 20 x 10 cm, 2015

Inventing Through Glass, Wood, and Cardboard Roger Bensasson and Yumiko Kimura


Museum of Geometric and MADI Art
3109 Carlisle Street
Dallas, TX TX 75204

Comment s'y rendre ?

Exhibit featuring the sculpted works of artists Roger Bensasson and Yumiko Kimura opens April 29 and runs through July 24, 2016.

Bensasson was born in Paris in 1931 and now lives in Bagnolet, France. From 1986 to 1996, he taught at l’Academie Goetz-Daderian. He has exhibited in the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles since 1986 and has solo exhibitions in Holland, France, and Hungary.

Yumiko Kimura works multi-layered glass around an axis referencing the world of geometric abstraction with overtones of constructivism or dynamism.