Aline Motta, Pontes sobre abismos, 2017 (frame de vídeo). Cortesia da artista
Aline Motta, Pontes sobre abismos, 2017 (frame de vídeo). Cortesia da artista

Video Room: Aline Motta Aline Motta


MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubrian)
Avenida Paulista, 1578
São Paulo-SP

Comment s'y rendre ?

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubrian (MASP) presents, from November 25, 2022, to January 22, 2023, in its 2nd underground floor, Sala de vídeo [Video Room]: Aline Motta, showing the video trilogy Pontes sobre abismos [Bridges over Abysses] (2017), Se o mar tivesse varandas [If the Sea Had Balconies] (2017), and (Outros) Fundamentos [(Other) Reasons] (2017–2019). Curated by Leandro Muniz, Curatorial Assistant at MASP, the projects are linked to a part of the artist’s family history, as a case study on Brazilian social formation and above all its erasures, violence, and resistance.

The artist Aline Motta (1974, Niterói, RJ) works with photography, video, installation, performance, and writing, producing works that reconfigure memories—especially Afro-Atlantic ones—in an intersectional approach to issues of gender, race, and class. Motta creates narratives that evoke a kind of non-linear experience of time in an attempt to question, through research and speculation, the links among structural violence, historical erasures, and memory preservation.