
Space: A Dialogue Between Landscape & Architecture Betty Kaser

jeu 21 juin 2018, 19:00

The Red Head Gallery
401 Richmond St W. Suite 115
Toronto ON M5V3A8

Comment s'y rendre ?

The Red Head Gallery is pleased to present our summer rental exhibition Space: A Dialogue Between Landscape and Architecture, an exhibition by artist, Betty Kaser.

I love big open spaces.

I love straight lines.

I love the depth and the softness of black gesso.

I love the organic form of nature with its curves and undulations.

For a long time my interest has been in drawing space on the page. Now I am making a transition from two dimensions to three. An essential part of this is redefining space. Space still gets to me every time.

To move into three dimensions I needed to find a form. This began as a carefully designed triangular shelf, but it soon became more interesting as it began to lose its “shelfness”. Playing with the shelves, for example placing one shelf upside down upon another or hanging the shelf vertically rather than horizontally was a revelation. Combining objects like rocks and other found materials with the disordered shelves further altered arrangements. New forms were created; new meanings emerged. The shelf had transformed into a sculpture.

I grew up in the immense space of the Canadian prairies. I live now in the “disordered shelves” of a big city. At the core is a dialogue between landscape and architecture - a meditation - a meditation on the edge between space and form, image and object, representation