艺术家 Artist: 亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen 开幕 Opening: 2019.4.20 17:00—19:00 展期 Duration: 2019.4.21 - 2019.5.25 地址 Venue: 上海狮語画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai 周一闭馆 Closed on Mondays 地址 Address: 上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内 Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.

Solo Alec Von Bargen

sam 20 avr 2019, 18:00

Leo Gallery
Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road
31, 200031

Comment s'y rendre ?

Leo Gallery Shanghai proudly presents photographic artist Alec Von Bargen’s solo exhibition “Solo” this April. This exhibition presents Alec Von Bargen’s long-term art project since its creation in 2015: “So.lil.o.quy”, after his solo exhibition held in Leo Gallery Hong Kong in 2015, and the “Split - Alec Von Bargen Solo Exhibition” co-organized by Leo Gallery and the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Shanghai in 2016.

Born in New York, raised in England & Mexico, Alec Von Bargen is an active international visual artist. He most recently exhibited at the 54th & 56th Venice Biennale, the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, the OCT Museum in Shanghai, China & Les Rencontres D’Arles Festival, France, amongst others. His work has won numerous awards including the IPA’s in LA & the PX3’s in Paris. The English name of this exhibition, “Solo”, comes from the name of Alec’s new project “So.lil.o.quy”, inspired by communications with the director of Swatch Art Peace Hotel during his stay. According to the director, the aesthetics & humanity driven undertone of Alec’s work made him a perfect match for a collaboration with MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières).

Founded in Paris in 1971, Médecins Sans Frontières is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters & exclusion from healthcare. Alec Von Bargen traveled to 23 projects worldwide to find the inspiration for the series.

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