Alec Von Bargen -

Subject # 01 -

Digital Print directly on White Aluminium -

123 x 250 cm – 5 panels -


Solo Exhibition Alec Von Bargen

jeu 27 Aoû 2015, 19:00

Leo Gallery
SoHo 189 Art Lane
189 Queen's Road West - Sheung Wan
Hong Kong Island
R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong

Comment s'y rendre ?

Leo Gallery | Hong Kong
Alec Von Bargen Solo Exhibition | 亞歷克 ∙ 馮 ∙ 巴根 個人展覽
Opening Reception – 2015.9.17 (Thurs) / 6 pm – 8 pm 開幕

17th September 2015 – Leo Gallery proudly presents photographic artist Alec Von Bargen’s solo exhibition in their SoHo 189 Art Lane space in Hong Kong. Born in New York and raised in England and Mexico, Alec’s photographic installations encompass a recurring historical, political and social visual dialogue captured within each frame, drawing attention to the world’s innate capacity for both chaos and organization. His work thrives off expressing the fine details of our lives in a minimalist style. Alec highlights the silence and imminent sense of loss of the self amongst our rapidly advancing civilization. The audience is invited to think about how nature and the human psyche are synonymous attributes to our blossoming modern day society. The work exhibited is part of Alec's series 'Man, Forgotten', presented at this year's 56th Venice Biennale