
Share Happiness - Omaggio a Frankenstein Exposition collective

sam 13 juin 2020, 13:00

Galleria Alberta Pane
Dorsoduro 2403/H, Calle dei Guardiani
30123 Venice VE

Comment s'y rendre ?

The 'Share Happiness' project consists of a trilogy of exhibitions that will be held in the Alberta Pane Gallery space in Venice.

The first exhibition hosts a selection of Venetian galleries, invited to present one or two works chosen among those of their artists, while the second will host, instead, a group of Italian galleries and in the third exhibition international galleries will be present.
The exhibitions will be held in the Venetian space of the Alberta Pane gallery between 2020 and 2021.

The idea stems from the need of sharing already strongly present before the pandemic, but exacerbated by it; at this time the urge for a dialogue and for sharing of forces seems to us not only fundamental, but also vital.

The gallery is first of all a space of creation, a place that interacts within the territory in which it is located, a forge of cultural projects capable of expanding the range of action to the national level and then reaching an international audience in a constant and enriching exchange.

The first exhibition that inaugurates the trilogy is entitled 'Share Happiness - a tribute to Frankenstein', evoking Mary Shelley's famous novel written between 1816 and 1817 and still very relevant today.
The work is suitable for many different interpretations. In addition to the most obvious one related to the challenge of man, who positioning himself on a divine level must then respond to the creature he gave life to, the novel