Rob Wynne (American, born 1950). Installation mock-up of EXTRA LIFE, 2018. Poured and mirrored glass, 160 x 300 in. (406.4 x 762 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Gavlak, Los Angeles/Palm Beach

Rob Wynne: FLOAT Rob Wynne

mer 6 juin 2018, 12:00

Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238

Comment s'y rendre ?

New York–based artist Rob Wynne (born 1950) works in a variety of mediums, ranging from hand-embroidered paintings and collage to sculpture and digital photography, but at heart he is an alchemist. In recent years he has experimented increasingly with molten glass, using hand-poured and mirrored glass in a series of large-scale installations, several of which are on display. Also featured are his glass texts, in which the artist borrows words or phrases detached from their original contexts in order to generate cryptic or contradictory meanings.

The title of Wynne’s gallery activation alludes to the ephemeral nature of images. Featuring sixteen works—seemingly floating within the American Art galleries and placed in direct dialogue with selected works from the collection—the installation invites a creatively disruptive aesthetic experience. Wynne’s mirrored glass pieces explore, and slightly skew, how we experience works of art.