Politiciens au travail à l’Assemblée Nationale, Paris, le 20 novembre 2015.
Prorogation de l’application de la loi n° 55-385 du 3 avril 1955 relative à l’état d’urgence et renforçant l’efficacité de ses dispositions.

Mediagenic : une relation franco-allemande, 2015 Olivier Menanteau

sam 9 avr 2016, 19:00

galerie anne barrault
51 rue des Archives
75003 PARIS

Comment s'y rendre ?

Since 2006 he has carried out projects named «Mediagenic», which examine the transactions of political life. The artist catches the images of those who govern us. To this end he gets into the pulsing heart of the exercise of power by mingling with the many journalists who daily broadcast the huge political and diplomatic spectacle. Meticulously, Olivier Menanteau dwells on the body language of the actors of public life. As he puts it, he uses “participant observation methods”. He thus gets involved body and soul in the analysis of the gestures and postures of the observed subjects. These works make you think about how complex the body is, as a dual space, that of language, but also that of culture.
In 2015, Olivier Menanteau was the Berlin correspondent of JBVnews agency. For six months, he lived and kept up with German political life, especially endeavouring to report meeting moments between Angela Merkel and François Hollande, between the German political world and the French one.