Hades, 2014, Mixed media on canvas in artist’s frame, 81 x 100 cm
Hades, 2014, Mixed media on canvas in artist’s frame, 81 x 100 cm
© Markus Lüpertz - Courtesy of the Artist and Almine Rech Gallery
Photo: Hugard & Vanoverschelde photography

Markus Lüpertz Markus Lüpertz

mer 11 oct 2017, 18:00

Almine Rech Gallery
Rue de l'Abbaye, 20

Comment s'y rendre ?

Almine Rech gallery is pleased to present Markus Lüpertz first exhibition with the gallery.

Lüpertz is perhaps the most pronounced 'painter amongst painters'. Indeed, the artist does not attempt to imagine the one or other alternate reality, but creates, first and foremost, a new pictorial space. In this, he utilizes all possible techniques, textures, formats and frames. He is constantly exploring the universal dimensions of painting. His search is based on the history of the painterly medium itself. Yet his work is also thematically based on a range of universal human values ​​such as freedom, equality, courage, passion, love, beauty, culture and the like.

- Joost Declercq

Markus LupertzCatalogue raisonnéMarkus Lupertz
220 €