Alec Von Bargen - Photo by Andrea Magenis

Man, Forgotten Alec Von Bargen

jeu 19 Mai 2016, 19:00

Nuova Galleri Morone
Via Nerino #3
20123 Crema CR

Comment s'y rendre ?

For this series, incisively titled: Man, Forgotten (Uomo, Dimenticato) presented at the 56th Venice Biennale, artist Alec Von Bargen identifies himself as a contemporary Hamlet, placing himself in an autobiographical manner through an intimate, personal dialogue of speculative growth.
In his eternal wandering, Alec von Bargen has always placed the human being at the center of his artistic research: from his series “The long walk home” exhibited at the 54th Venice Biennale which brought light to the ever current discussion about refugees and displacement; subsequently in his series “Veritas Feminae” – shown in numerous museums and galleries worldwide - he gave voice – always through his strong images full of tension – to ‘marginalized’ women, touching even upon archetypal figures.
Man, Forgotten is fundamentally an inner dialogue: the child becomes aware of having become a man, it is a continuous unraveling along the three planes of existence: the sky, man and the earth.