Sem título [Untitled], 1969-1977 Lã sobre juta [Tapestry, wool on jute] 83,5 x 103 cm Museu de Arte São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, doação [gift] Edmar Pinto Costa, 2021 Foto [Photo]: Daniel Cabrel
Sem título [Untitled], 1969-1977
Lã sobre juta [Tapestry, wool on jute]
83,5 x 103 cm
Museu de Arte São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, doação [gift] Edmar Pinto Costa, 2021
Foto [Photo]: Daniel Cabrel

Madalena Santos Reinbolt: a Head Full of Planets Madalena Santos Reinbolt


MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand)
Avenida Paulista, 1578
São Paulo-SP

Comment s'y rendre ?

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) presents, from November 25, 2022, to February 26, 2023, the solo show Madalena Santos Reinbolt: uma cabeça cheia de planetas [Madalena Santos Reinbolt: a Head Full of Planets], which occupies the gallery on the museum’s first underground floor. Curated by Amanda Carneiro, Assistant Curator at MASP, and André Mesquita, Curator at MASP, the exhibition gathers 44 works, including paintings and pieces of tapestry—produced between the 1950s and ‘70s—that convey the imagined subjectivity of the artist from Bahia through a vast world of characters, landscapes, and everyday situations. The exhibition is sponsored by Vivo.


Madalena Santos Reinbolt: uma cabeça cheia de planetas is organized in a non-chronological way and without distinguishing the paintings and the “wool paintings”—however, it was conceived from the themes evoked by her work.


The show, the first devoted to the self-taught artist, aims to resonate and expand the debate on her history and contribution to the history of Brazilian art.


The exhibition is part of MASP’s biennial program devoted to Histórias brasileiras [Brazilian Histories] (2021–22), on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil in 2022.


This year, the program also includes solo shows by Judith Lauand and Cinthia Marcelle.