Courtesy Studio Gariboldi

Limiti di equilibrio Exposition collective

ven 14 oct 2022, 10:00
ven 16 déc 2022, 10:00

Studio Gariboldi
Corso Monforte 23
20122 Milan MI

Comment s'y rendre ?



works by


Giovanni Anselmo, Agostino Bonalumi, Alexander Calder, Sérgio de Camargo, César, Gianni Colombo, Walter Leblanc, Francois Morellet, Giuseppe Penone, Angelo Savelli, Nobuo Sekine, Jesús-Rafael Soto


14 October – 16 December 2022

Monday – Friday h 10.00-13.00/14.00-18.00


The gallery Studio Gariboldi is pleased to present the exhibition Limiti di equilibrio, featuring a selection of twelve important artworks. At first glance they might seem different being combined together. Therefore, we invite the collectors to discover what brings them together and why.


Some of the exhibited artworks are founded on the relation between visible and invisible, other reveal the borderline skin that demarcates the limits of inside and outside. Equilibria of naturalistic/organic origin or the mathematical/geometrical combinations create an expressive stage that holds the moment in which the form culminates in beauty.


Among the artists exhibited, Belgian Walter Leblanc, with one of his first twists executed in 1960;


Alexander Calder, with a Stabile, synthesis of his constant attention towards the importance of the equilibrium; the Japanese artist Nobuo Sekine, with his artwork #8, a rare piece on the Art market, conceived and executed at the beginning of the 70’s.


“In other words, how can we define the external field of a word or in which the word is located?” That is the thought in direct reference to the three exhibited works of Giovanni Anselmo, Leone d’Oro at the 1990 Venice Biennale and a leading figure of the Arte Povera movement.


Together with them, Sérgio de Camargo, one of the most important Spanish artists, awarded with a gold medal at the 1960 São Paulo Biennale and present at Venice Biennale and Documenta in Kassel of those years. Also on display one of the first sculptures by Agostino Bonalumi, dated 1967 and published in the catalogue curated by Gillo Dorfles in the 1973.


The exhibition also includes the works by Gianni Colombo, César, François Morellet, Giuseppe Penone, Angelo Savelli andJesús-Rafael Soto, artists who worked in different ways in order to achieve harmonious and physical equilibrium.