

mar 24 Aoû 2021, 20:00

Church of San Francesco della Scarpa
Via Benedetto Cairoli, 15
73100 Lecce LE

Comment s'y rendre ?

On Tuesday 24 August, at 7.00 pm, IL SOFFIO, a pictorial exhibition by Luca Bray, opens in the spaces of the former Church of San Francesco della Scarpa in Lecce, part of the seventeenth-century monumental complex that is said to have been built around the cell in which, in 1222, Saint Francis of Assisi rested for a break from a pilgrimage, leaving his sandal as a sign of gratitude to the people of Lecce for the welcome received. Today the former church is part of the biblio-museum complex of Lecce. At the opening on 24 August, curators Brizia Minerva, art historian, and Lorenzo Madaro, art critic, will be present with the artist.

From a father from Salento (Martignano, Lecce) and mother from Cremona, the painter Luca Bray has a soul contaminated by the places where he lived. “I paint on the floor, with my hands. - says the artist - I have an aerial view of the paintings, the same feeling you get when you take the plane and look out the window and are entranced by the vision of the land, of the lakes. For a painting, I also use 20-30 liters of white spirit and then buckets of water. The result is that my body is always painted blue and the stains remain even if I try to wash them off with a sponge of nails, they are part of me ”.

The exhibition will remain open to the public until 10 September. Exhibition hours 19.00-23.00. Free admission. Info tel. 338 37 46 581

Visite de l'exposition en photo