C. Fogarolli, "Evidence US7", 2021 (detail)
Courtesy of Galleria Alberta Pane (Paris & Venezia) and The artist

A FORM OF DELUSION Christian Fogarolli

sam 12 fév 2022, 12:00

Galleria Alberta Pane
Calle dei Guardiani 2403H
30123 Venezia VE

Comment s'y rendre ?

A Form of Delusion, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, is Christian Fogarolli's first solo exhibition at the Venetian venue of Alberta Pane gallery. 

The exhibition offers the public the possibility of interacting with a corpus of works, many of which are installations, conceived specifically for the gallery spaces. It consists of a series of works - environmental installations, sculptures and photographs - inspired by the condition known as ‘Glass Delusion’, a psychiatric disorder widespread in Europe, especially between the 15th and 19th centuries, which leads those affected to believe they are made of glass and, therefore, liable to shatter. 

From the very beginning, the artist has accompanied the viewer in an investigation of the human being, in the meanders of his intellect, often involving 'uncomfortable' subjects in his creations and arguments, capable in some cases of provoking a sense of discomfort. Pier Paolo Pancotto, Curator 

To read the complete text, please visit: https://albertapane.com/media/pages/exhibitions/a-form-of-delusion/eac0…;






Visite de l'exposition en photo
C. Fogarolli, "Not Toxic", 2020/2021 (detail)
C. Fogarolli, "Emerald", 2021 (detail)
Courtesy of Galleria Alberta Pane (Paris & Venezia) and The artist