Veridiana Altieri
Untitled, acrylic on canvas, cm 45x55, 2015


sam 4 avr 2015, 20:00

GiaMaArt studio
Via Iadonisi, 32
82038 Vitulano BN

Comment s'y rendre ?

GiaMaArt studio gallery is pleased to present for the first time on the contemporary art scene, the artist Veridiana Altieri in her first solo exhibition Faces, curated by Martina Adamuccio
The exhibition, which will be held from April 4 to July 31 2015 follows a route to discover the works of the young artist Veridiana Altieri.
Faces offers a journey into the world of women through a series of portraits that interact with each other in the exhibition space.
"What interests me is the feminine universe and the need to break the stereotypical idea of beauty in contemporary society belonging to young and anonymous women with apparently empty personalities".
Her works are to some extent affected by the elements of traditional figurative art at the same time, however, contaminated by the presence of elements in some ways abstract that join and mix into a contemporary art sometimes gestural and completely decomposed. Faces is a contemporary vision of the portrait and the world of women