
Dynamic Connections and Inner Landscapes Francesca Belgiojoso and Lido Rico

sam 6 avr 2019, 19:00

Luisa Catucci Gallery
Allestrasse 38
12049 Berlin

Comment s'y rendre ?

This exhibition presents a dialogue between two artists who are grounding their work on deep self-exploration, in order to express through their practices their perception of the world. Body, Mind, Sculpture and Pinned Collage are the mediums used by these artists to give voice to their internal elaborations.

If the Spanish artist Lido Rico presents, through his sculptures, an endless investigation of the body and the brain as battlefield of the eternal conflict between free mind and controlled society; the Italian artist Francesca Belgiojoso gives shape to her mental structures through her collages, presenting them as apparently surreal landscapes or compositions that seems made out of stones but aren’t, to underline the multiple and complex facets of human psychology and unconsciousness, where rarely something is exactly what seems.

Visite de l'exposition en photo