
Der Kurator, des Anwalt un des Psychoanalytiker Pierre Bismuth


Kunsthalle Wien
Museumplatz 1
1070 Wien

Comment s'y rendre ?

Pierre Bismuth’s major solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien will bring together works by the artist from the years 1988 to 2014. The exhibition presents the artist’s complex oeuvre, which spans all media and approaches conceptual techniques in an experimental and humorous way. Besides smaller works on paper, it will also present objects as well as audio and video installations. A series of new works is being produced especially for this exhibition in close collaboration with the artist. Bismuth’s works seductively encourage one to question established social conventions and point to hidden aspects of our reality. In this process, Bismuth opposes the real world, which consists of regulated systems of signs, with another world in which uncertainty and the unknown are dominant.