Velocity of Money - 1993

Poème autographe de Allen Ginsberg, collage, gouache, encres de Chine noire et blanche sur papier gris.

49,5 x 33 cm.

Signé et daté "Jean-Jacques Lebel '93" en bas à gauche sous un poème manuscrit d'Allen Ginsberg signé, daté et localisé: "Allen Ginsberg. // Scribed 11/13/93 Paris chez JJ Lebel  // 11:05 P.M."

"I'm delighted by the velocity of money as it whistles // threw window of the lower East Sude // delighted skycrapers rise, grundy apartments fall on 84th Street // pavements // Delighted inflation drives me out on the street this year, // double-digit interest  rates in Capitalist worlds // I always was a communist, now we'll win // as usury makes walls thinner, novels thicker and dumber // Usury makes my poetry more valuable // Manuscripts worth their weight in useless gold -- //  Velocity’s what counts as the National Debt gets trillions $........... etc // Everybody running after the rising dollar // Crowds of joggers down broadway past City Hall on the way to the Fed // Nobody reads Dostoyevsky books anymore so they’ll have to give a passing ear // to my fragmented ravings in between President’s speeches // Nothing’s happening but the collapse of the Economy // so I can go back to sleep till the landlord wins his eviction suit in court."

© Jean-Jacques Lebel, artiste