Sergueï Prokoudine-Gorski

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul.
Kush-Beggi, Minister of the Interior.
Stone-excavating machine
Water lilies.
A.P. Kalganov
Andreĭ Petrov Kalganov.
Armenian woman in national costume.
Armenian women (Catholics) in customary dress.
Armenian women in holiday attire.
Bridge over Ekaterininskoe
Bukhara bureaucrat.
Chapel and cross in the village of Sumskoe
Chinese foreman Lau-Dzhen-Dzhau
Church of Saint John the Precursor
Church of the Savior
Dinner during haying
Elderly Sart man (Babaika)
Emir of Bukhara.
Entrance into the yard of the Church of Saint George
Epiphany church
Exit from the yard of the Church of Saint George
Georgian women
Girl with strawberries.
Grave of Mother-Superior Evpraksiia
Group of Jewish children with a teacher.
Group. (Myself with two others, Murman)
Guardhouse at the thirty-second verst of the Emperor Peter the Great Canal
Head study
In the court of Tillia-Kari mosque.
Kebab restaurant.
Kurd woman with children.
Lava River towpath
Man with camel loaded with packs.
Monument to Emperor Peter the Great
Mugan. Settler's family.
Mullah with his female students.
Mullahs in mosque.
Old cross
On the island of Capri
Palace of Empress Catherine the Great
Peasant girls.
Peasant woman breaking flax.
Pinkhus Karlinskii.
Policeman in Samarkand.
Rafts on the Peter the Great Canal.
Sart types.
Siazskie Riadki, Fishing settlement
St. Nicholas Church in Lavrovo (?)
Students in Mudaris.
Teifel cardboard factory
Tow rope bridge in the village of Lava.
Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt
View of Novaia Ladoga
View of Staraia Ladoga.
View of the Church of Saint George
Village of Dubno
Village of Naziia
Village of Uslanka on the Svir River
Wall paintings in the Church of Saint George
Wall paintings in the Church of Saint George
Wall paintings in the Church of Saint George